Cosmetic clays – Properties, types and beauty benefits

Natural face care is doing so well that it’s constantly gaining in popularity. One of the natural ingredients that is eagerly used by various women to treat their faces with is cosmetic clay. All of them offer numerous vital substances and can be used in many fields connected with beauty and care. Let’s learn types of clays and their properties. Keep reading to find out what beauty benefits they offer.

What are cosmetic clays?

Clay is powdered sedimentary rock. Its purity, price and properties depend on the depth the clay was mined from. Next, the extracted rock is dried out and then ground to obtain powder. The colour of clays depends on the mineral content, whereas the composition and properties depend on the clay’s origins. There are three types of clays: montmorillonite, illite and kaolin.

How does cosmetic clays work? Properties of cosmetic clays

  1. Cosmetic clays delicately exfoliate and smooth skin out.
  2. Cosmetic clays even skin tone.
  3. Cosmetic clays cleanse, soothe and relief skin.
  4. Cosmetic clays minimize and unclog skin pores.
  5. Cosmetic clays absorb sebum.
  6. Cosmetic clays free skin from toxins.

Application of clays

In most cases, cosmetic clays are used for beauty and skin care purposes. The most popular applications of clays are:

  • face masks,
  • skin cleansing,
  • body masks,
  • beauty products constituents,
  • scalp care,
  • medicinal clay solutions used internally.

How to use cosmetic clays?

Powdered clay has to be mixed with water, face toner or herbal distillate and then applied to skin. After approximately 10 minutes the mask has to be rinsed off with lukewarm water which is followed with a moisturising cream. What’s important, you shouldn’t let the clay mask get dry out on the face skin. Otherwise, you can expect irritations and dehydration to occur. Therefore, keep spraying the clay mask with either toner or herbal distillate to prevent this.

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